Authentically enjoyable experiences.


OPEN is customer experience design and consulting by Renee Racine-Kinnear, a senior UX and CX professional with over 15 years experience providing digital transformation and experience strategy. Renee has established internal digital customer experience practices and designed rich, unique experiences for several top Canadian brands (and their agencies).



When a brand opens itself to its customers, it is better equipped to survive the shifts in our digital landscape.

OPEN offers a complete set of experience design services // from insight analysis and journey mapping to the creation of beautiful, scalable user experience design for web and mobile.  



Journey mapping guides key stakeholders as they identify and co-design improvements to experience problems. 


User experience design that is grounded in insights and collaborative product design techniques.



Find out how your digital commerce platforms measure up against the best-practices in usability.

“Renee is hands down one of the best UX people I’ve worked with. Her balance of really understanding the customer need with the latest and greatest patterns is perfect for the retail world.”
— Bo Parizadeh, CTO Indigo
“Renee simply gets the customer end to end. ... Renee was also the pioneer who got us into the business of customer experience...”
— Kirsten Chapman, CMO & EVP Digital Indigo